Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a landmark and a competition.

As you may or may not have noticed, I've been uncharacteristically absent from the world of blogging for the last few days. This absence was intentional. I wasn't trying to purge my system or cleanse my palate or anything like that. I was waiting. This is the part where you get really interested and say "waiting for what?" and then I smash your hopes and dreams by having an exceptionally ordinary, uninteresting answer. I was waiting for something interesting to happen. Now, this seems logical...most people don't blog about uninteresting things. But we all know that I do, so that takes the logic out of my decision. However, it is cleanly inserted back in by this statement:

This is my 100th post. 

Now do you see why I was waiting? I really wanted it to be full of pizzazz. I even considered finding a way for the screen to explode with confetti and balloons when you read it. OK, that's a lie. Technology and I aren't very chummy, remember? Regardless, I was hoping for something out of the ordinary so that my 100th blog post could be a post to remember. One that could be used as my epitaph or that would be quoted in history books for future generations. But, I got tired of waiting and really wanted to blog. So...here is a not-so-interesting 100th post:

Last Sunday, my roommates decided to have a competition to see who could get the most dates before Valentine's Day. Or any dates at all. Jess and Mel were not allowed in this competition for obvious reasons. (;
Anyhow, I knew that I would lose this competition miserably, so I didn't think much of it. I still don't. And, just to prove to you all (almost said y'all there....weird) how obvious it is that I will in fact lose (though I am in fact a woman...sorry, can't resist a Pirates reference every now and then) I will now relate to you the closest I've gotten to getting a date since the "competition" began. They could be considered two more vignettes, though they were much less creepy.

Encounter # 1
Background: My friend's dad is the principal at an elementary school in close-Indiana. ("close-Indiana" is the term I use when explaining my hometown's relationship to parts of Indiana. People get confused when I tell them I'm from Kentucky and then talk about how people in my stake live in Indiana and such.) During high-school, my friends and I volunteered at said elementary school a few times and it was so much fun I bought one of their t-shirts. And it says the name of the town and state on the back. I wore this shirt to the gym yesterday.

Scene: I sat at a weight machine, minding my own business and focusing on my workout.

Enter Gym Guy
Gym Guy: Hey, are you from Indiana?
Me: (a bit taken aback, then remembering that my shirt said Indiana on it): No, I'm not, actually. I'm from Kentucky, though. I live right by the border of Kentucky and Indiana.
Gym Guy: Oh, I just thought I'd ask. I just got back from my mission in Indiana. I served in Indianapolis.
Me: Oh, that's cool. I'm in the Columbus, Ohio mission.
Gym Guy: Ah. Well.........I just thought I'd ask. It was nice to meet you.
Me: It was nice to meet you, too.
Exit Gym Guy

Encounter # 2 
Background: I am making homemade pizza with a friend this weekend. Pizza needs bacon. I had never bought "real" bacon before.

Scene: Julayne and I stood in front of the bacon display at Macey's. (KY folk, don't be alarmed. I didn't misspell the department store and then buy bacon there...it's a grocery store chain in this neck of the woods.)

Me: There are too many kinds of bacon. I don't even know what kind to get. I need a boy here to tell me what to get.
Julayne: Why would a boy help?
Me: Because boys like bacon. A boy could tell me what kind to get. Do I want hickory smoked? I don't even know what that means!
Enter Bacon Boy
Bacon Boy: Yes, you definitely want hickory smoked. It's by far the best. I go with it every time. This kind (gesturing to hickory smoked, extra thick sliced bacon) is the best, but it's kind of pricey. If you don't want to spend that much money, I'd go with this one (gesturing to normal sliced, hickory smoked bacon.).
Me: Ok, thank you very much. (grabbing the latter option)
Bacon Boy: No problem! I know my bacon!
Exit Julayne and I

So unless you consider a chat about Indiana that occurred while I was sweaty and gross or advice about bacon a date (which I seriously hope that you don't), this competition has not gotten off to a very good start for me. But, it's all good. Unless something really interesting happens to me tomorrow. Then I'll be annoyed that I didn't save my 100th post for that. But, since the chances of that are about -848579, I don't think I have anything to worry about.

Anyway, it's good to be back. I know I was only gone for like four days, but I still missed it. Have a wonderful day! Don't forget to smile. (:


  1. Date the bacon man. Just sayin. The man has good taste.

  2. Hahaha. He was a tad bit too old for me, methinks. But...maybe he has a bacon loving brother?
