Friday, February 3, 2012

an addendum

I know that I said that my addiction is laughing baby videos. And it is. But....I have another one. A food related one. And, knowing me, you'd think it's chocolate. But it's not.

It's cinnamon jelly beans.

It's weird, I know. A lot of people don't even like them, let alone eat them with the ferocity that I do. But the're just SO good. I guess it's a good thing that I don't have easy access to them here at college (the local mall at home had a bulk candy store...I could literally buy pounds of them if I wanted to) because I would have most likely gained a freshman 40 if I did.

But don't be concerned. I have still had some. My mama has come to Provo twice since I've been here and has brought me a bag both times. So life is good.

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