Tuesday, November 8, 2011


**For those of you who don't know, I went through a crazy, obsessed, hang-poster-of-Jack-Sparrow-on-my-bedroom-wall phase during my early teens that altered the very core of who I am. That's why there are so many Pirates of the Caribbean references in my daily speech and my my blog. Just so you know. 

"Computer savvy" is not a phrase that will never be applied to me without a negation somewhere in the description. As in, "Wow, Maddie is so NOT computer savvy!" or "Computer savvy? Maddie? Nah." This unfortunate fact is the reason why EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I'VE EVER TAKEN is hiding somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of my desktop. They're there. I've searched my computer for them. I didn't completely delete them. Where are they? you may ask. I HAVE NO IDEA. Certainly not in a logical place, such as My Pictures. All that's in that folder are the lovely ocean views and close-ups of koalas and penguins that came pre-loaded onto my little 14" screen bundle of joy. Which are nice, don't get me wrong, but they kind of, uh, lack the memories and sentimental value attached to the photographs of every major event and important person in my life. But, you know. No big deal.

So, if any of you folks out there know your way around a computer and want to give me some assistance in locating the exact location of said pictures, I'd be greatly obliged.

Oh. A piece of non-computer-related advice (because, let's be real here, I am clearly in no position to be giving advice relating in any way to technology): When storing an open bag of rice in the cupboard, it is usually advisable to use a twisty-tie of some sort. Unless, of course, you WANT to have a rice explosion that takes longer to clean up than it does to actually cook rice. Which is a long time.

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