Friday, June 5, 2015

blogging on my phone in the living room

I've never tried the whole blog-from-your-phone thing, mostly because my phone is on it's last toe (we're beyond last legs here) and because it just takes too darn long. Tonight is the exception, though, because my computer is in my bedroom and Jessica is sleeping into bedroom and I don't want to go in there and risk waking her up because of the ridiculously loud and obnoxious grunting sound our door makes after you throw your entire weight into it to get it to open. Also, laziness.

And this leads to why it's 12:49am, and I'm chilling in the living room writing blog posts on my phone and jumping 17 feet in the air and having a mini heart attack when I hear my next door neighbor come home because when she and her male companion passed my door, I naturally believed that they were going to break into my apartment and attack me. Paranoid much? Nah. Plus I could totally take him, because I learned all about striking and eye gouging and crotch jabbing in my self-defense class.

Back to my point: I'm awake, because I'm not tired and I know I won't be able to sleep if I tried. I'm not tired because I (unintentionally) slept for nearly four hours after work. (45 minutes of the four hours were intentional, but I decided that alarm clocks are for the weak and turned it off…oops). I slept after work because I had a killer headache and my eyes were just so darn dry and tired and my whole body felt achy and I just didn't want to deal with any of that stuff.

So here I am on the couch. I just ate some popcorn with m&ms, which was a delightful treat and which was what "inspired" me to blog this rambling, incredibly unimportant blog post. One of my very first blog posts oh so many years ago was about the delictableness of popcorn and m&ms. While I hope my blogs have become more well-written and slightly more interesting over the years, my affection for this perfect pair has remained unchanged.

Just before she went to bed, Jessica and I had a conversation about what we call adulting. More specifically, we chatted about money and how awful it is to need it to pay for things. Jess is a week away from her wedding and is very aware that marriage is 'spensive. I'm two weeks away from starting an internship that, while so amazing and exciting, will be a fairly serious pay cut from the job I currently have. So that's scary. I'm trying to find another job, but it's proving to be a bit difficult, and I just feel kind of overwhelmed and scatterbrained. I'm not sure where to focus my search. Part of me is all "I'm a college graduate goshdarnit! I deserve a good job that perfectly fits my schedule and pays me more than I deserve and gives me wildly good experience and provides puppies for me to cuddle when work is too stressful!!" And then the more logical part of me says, "Can it. Beggars can't be choosers, and you're pretty darn close to begging. So suck it up if your second job isn't glamorous or in your field."

Adulting, guys. Why didn't anybody tell me it would be this hard? Why didn't BYU require a class called "Adulting 101" or "How to Be a Successful, Relatively Well Adjusted Adult?" I certainly think that's a tad more relevant to my life right now than biology and physical science. But I had to take both of those classes, and NO, I don't want to talk about it.

Aaand just learned again why I have never tried the blogging from phone thing. My phone freaked the heck out and exited out of this post, and I thought I lost everything. Luckily for all of us, I didn't, because this is clearly very deep and insightful.

Well, it just happened again, so I'm going to take it as a sign that the world can't handle more of my late night musings. So I'ma go read a book and hopefully be tired enough to sleep soon.

Ramble over.

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