Saturday, June 13, 2015

things i did during my airport exile

I don't like airports to begin with, so naturally I didn't particularly enjoy an extra ten hours stuck in one (or two). Here's how I kept (mostly) sane:

:: got all the feels while watching a tearful missionary hugging his parents goodbye (this was technically at the security gate, but it made me all weepy, so I thought it was worth mentioning)

:: called my dad four (4) times while figuring out how to get a new connecting flight since I would no longer make my original connection

:: called my mom two (2) times

:: called Jessica two (2) times and exhaustion cried while talking to her during the first phone call (it's a thing. promise)

:: determined which concourse had the best food options (Concourse C)

:: successfully resisted the urge to pet a very cute working dog

:: ate most of a very disappointing muffin (I only ate as much as I did because it was $3 #airportprices)

:: found myself thinking things like "fruit snacks, you da real MVP"

:: sent slightly coherent emails to my coworkers asking for info so that I could get some work done and requesting a frosty.

:: received the following pictures in response

:: convinced myself that a man walking the opposite direction from me was George Clooney (it wasn't)

:: made friends with a very nice lady who was trying to keep plants from her grandma's garden alive and who enjoyed saying "bless your heart"

:: saw what I am quite sure was a very fluffy baby bear masquerading as a dog

:: did my makeup

:: sent a universal apology to every woman I'd secretly judged for primping in the bathroom upon realizing that sometimes airport bathroom primping is just very necessary

:: suddenly gained crystal clear understanding of why airports have so many shops and such, something I'd never before been able to wrap my head around

:: wished that I had been traveling with the Broadway casts of Aladdin and The Lion King so that I could be serenaded like so

:: considered getting a pedicure and/or massage (twice)

:: didn't get a pedicure and/or massage (twice)

:: researched giraffes

:: ate lunch at 10:30am because being awake for six hours and only eating fruit snacks and part of the aforementioned muffin just wasn't flying with my stomach (ha. flying. because that's what I was supposed to be doing.)

:: tried to take a nap but failed because there was too much commotion and because I was irrationally paranoid that somebody was going to steal all my stuff

:: participated in an epic battle with the airport wifi (winner undetermined)

:: stood in line with a very loud, slightly rude older woman who told me that she fell off a ladder and my flight was delayed because Mercury is in retrograde (can somebody tell me what that means??)

:: FINALLY got my Frosty

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