Wednesday, May 7, 2014

pandora thinks i'm in kentucky and other thoughts

:: I made my Pandora account when I was still in high school. So, based on the ZIP code on my account, it thinks I'm in Kentucky. Which means all the ads are for Kentucky things. And on bad days, it makes me really want to go back home. But those days are few and far between, so I just let Pandora think I'm at home. Because most days it makes me happy to have a little bit of Kentucky with me. (Except when the ads are stupid, gross ones about White Castle. Yuck. If I find out that somebody has actually gotten married at White Castle like the ad claims, I will lost all hope for humanity.)

:: I just flat out lied. I told the lady on the phone that she had the wrong number. I don't think she did, but since she asked for Mr. or Mrs. Greenhell, I figured it wasn't going to be worth my time. And I'm neither a Mr. nor a Mrs., so technically it wasn't really a lie....right?

:: Lately I've felt like I have to defend my decision to not go on a mission to EVERYBODY. Seriously. The guy at the plasma center who pricked my finger and asked me if I have AIDS? Check. The guy who stuck a needle in my arm last week? Other assorted random people who don't even know me? Missionary friends? People I've very recently met and am trying to get to know? Check. Check. Check. Check. My first reaction is to be annoyed. They don't know me. They don't know my life. They don't know what's best for me. They didn't pray about it and stress about it and cry about it. I know me. I know my life. I know what's best for me, because I did pray and stress and cry about it. But then I realize that all of those reasons are why I shouldn't be annoyed about it, because I know I made the right choice for me at this point in my life. The opinions of all those other people don't matter and shouldn't affect how I feel about my life decisions.

:: I always have blogging ideas while I'm at work and am supposed to be focusing on other things. Why, brain, why?? 

:: Clean and organized are my words of the summer. This means making my bed every day (might not seem like a feat to anybody else, but ask my mom and every roommate I've ever had—I'm not the bed making type) and washing every dish immediately after using it. It also means that at the age of 21, I finally accepted that my mom has been right all these years—it is way faster to just put away clothes after wearing them than to pile them on the floor and have to deal with them down the road. Funny how that works. I've taken to tidying the kitchen and my bedroom before bed each night, and it really does make my mornings easier and (slightly) more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Just casually stalking you. And why am I the same person as you? Okay, not really, because you're 1,000x cooler than me. But really. I know how you feel. F'rizzle. (And no, not the Magic School Bus teacher. That was slang. I think.)
