Saturday, October 6, 2012

every title i came up with sounded like a rejected high school musical song

A few nights ago, I was brushing my teeth before bed, looking like a rabid dog (does anybody else have this problem or am I the only almost-20-year-old who is physically unable of cleaning my teeth without getting toothpaste everywhere?) when I suddenly realized that I rely a lot on the advice of other people. I always want to know what other people think I should do before I make decisions. When I'm vacillating between two choices, I tend to poll everybody around me to get their opinion.

And you know what? I know some people who give pretty great advice.

As a result of this revelation, I have decided to start a series dedicated to the good advice I've personally collected over the years, creatively entitled The Best Advice I've Ever Received. It's a dud of a name, I know, but if you have any better ideas, I'm open to your advice (heh heh. so funny, I know). It won't be the only thing I post and I can't guarantee a regular posting schedule, but I already have a few up my sleeve, so we'll see what happens.

And y'know, if you wan to give me some fabulous advice and propel yourself to a kind-of-sort-of-not-really superstardom by appearing on my blog, be my guest.

Now that you all have a lovely image of dancing furniture and household decorations in mind, I will leave you to hum happily to yourself and have a lovely night.

p.s. I can finally think, type, write, and say "one sheep, two feet, dead feet, dead fish" without laughing. Now that's what I call accomplishment. It only took me three days. 

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