This is the conversation Lissa and I had today while she was studying Physiology:
Lissa: (in a very interested air) Hmm.
Me: Something interesting?
L: I just didn't know there was a mitochondria there. [points to diagram in book]
M: Me neither. Those mitochondria are sneaky fellows. [pause] Wait. What's the plural of mitochondria. Mitochondrian? Mitochondrium? Mitochondrias?
L: I think it's just mitochondria. Is that allowed? Can you do that?
M: Yeah. One sheep, two sheep. [added as an afterthought] Red sheep, blue sheep.
L: What was that?
M: Like "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish." Except with sheep.
Later in the evening, I referenced our conversation. However, I got a little tongue tied and accidentally said "feet" instead of sheep, prompting this one line Lissa wonder:
"One sheep, two feet, dead feet, dead fish."
And since then, it has been the most hilarious thing ever. I cannot think about it without laughing. This is either a sign that I have a very strange sense of humor or that I am just flat out losing it. I'm thinking it's probably a combination of the two.
In other completely and totally unrelated news, tonight I made pancakes for dinner. And by dinner I mean that random 8:30 pm meal that I sometimes eat after not eating since noon. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't express my confusion as to why pancakes taste so much better at nighttime. They just do. It's a scientific fact.
Anyway, the real news isn't that I ate pancakes. Rather, it's that I flipped the pancakes using no spatula. That's right: we're talking a toss it in the air like a short order cook sort of flip. I can't think of a more satisfying sound than the splat of that pancake against the frying pan after it whirled in the air in a graceful aerial.
Seriously. It was a crowning moment for me. You should try it some time.
Just remember: it's all in the wrist.
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