Monday, April 23, 2012

The Best that I've Got.

Well. Here I am, back in Kentucky. I wasn't up to writing a Goodbye 222 Tingey post and writing one now feels forced and artificial. I don't quite know how to explain what being home feels like, because I don't quite know how I'm feeling.

I'm happy to be with my family and friends, but miss my BYU family and friends.
I'm happy to have my own room again, but miss being able to talk to Em before bed.
I'm happy to have free time, but don't quite know what to do with it.

The list goes on. It's just a hard adjustment, I guess, because I had to leave a place so full of memories to go make new ones. I left people I love to go see other people I love. I know I'll be back in the fall, but it will never be the same. I wish I could have pushed pause on my freshman year while I was home for the summer and then push play again in the fall when I go back to Provo. But, that's not allowed. And, I'm sure it's all for the best, but it's hard to see that right now.

No matter what, I will always cherish the memories from my first year of college. I learned and grew so much and met people who changed my life. Forever friends. People who I know will be important to me forever, even if we never see each other again. That's the kind of impact they've had on me. (But I do hope I get to see them again!) I'm excited to see what the future has to offer, but for now, here's to freshman life at BYU in 222 Tingey and the 54th Ward!


  1. Maddie, I miss you so much! I can't wait until Fall!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHH!

    love you mucho :)

  2. Maddie, this post made me tear up a little bit! You described very close to how I'm feeling about freshman year being done, and I guess it's hard to acknowledge that one of the best times of my life had to end. But there are lots of fun times ahead, too (: And I agree with what you said about forever friends...I'm glad you're one of mine!

    Love the pictures! I'd forgotten about Cory the biscuit...
