Sunday, April 15, 2012

Be Prepared

This time next week I'll be at home. In Kentucky.


Don't get me wrong--I'm so excited to go home and take a break from school and be with my family and friends. But the transition is going to be hard.I love BYU. I love my life and friends here. Saying goodbye has never really been my forte. And there are many, many things I'll have to say goodbye to. 

I'll say goodbye to my first ever roommates. I'll be living with Lissa again next year and everybody else will be close by, so it's not like I'll never see them, but we'll never all live together again. They will always have a very special place in my heart. They were, after all, the first girls I ever lived with aside from my mom. 

I'll say goodbye to my ward. I never really got why people call it a "ward family" until I got out here. When you throw a bunch of 18 and 19-year olds together miles away from home and family, they are forced to come together and act like a family. A lot of us don't have any family near by (I'm one of the lucky ones who does) and so your ward is all we have. 

I'll say goodbye to all my guy friends for two years. I'm so proud of the decision they've all made to go serve missions, but it'll be a little bit sad to see them go. But, I'm sure that sadness will be swallowed up with the joy that I'll feel when I see their awesome missionary skills in action! 

I'll say goodbye to intense games of Catch Phrase and late night chats about cannibals and blenders. 

I'll say goodbye to the mountains and the dry air.

I'll say goodbye to Tingey Hall (although I'll be visiting often next year, because Cambri is living in my very apartment!). 

I'll say goodbye to my current label of FRESHMAN. (Won't be sad to see that one go.) 

There will be lots of goodbyes to be said and that will most likely turn me into an emotional, confused, crazy psychopath. Consider this my warning that there will probably many reflective and possibly down-right depressing posts in the weeks to come. 

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." 
             --Dr. Suess 

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