Sunday, July 27, 2014

today i...

WISH: all my favorite ladies who abandoned me for missions and summer jobs at home would come back to meeee. you know who you are.

MISS: my long hair. grow, baby, grow! (ps. I know I cut you this week, but it was technically just a trim to get rid of all the nasty dead ends and to fix the weird, uneven layers that the last criminal mastermind with scissors  hair stylist inflicted on you)

LOVE: the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack. And all Lord of the Rings soundtracks. And awesome soundtracks in general. classical music* is tight, yo (and if you get that reference, I love you too.) 

DISLIKE: that I can't find my copy of Pride & Prejudice. not cool! I can only go without Lizzy B and Mittah Collins and Dat Der Darcy for so long. (here's some explanation for that)

REMEMBER: the many antics of 104 last year, including but not limited to the time I vacuumed crumbs off of Liz's shoe because "crumbs are the sketchy hitchhikers of all food" (her words, not mine), the perpetual tendency to speak in really, really bad Russian accents, the time I lit the oven on fire, and the many nicknames we bequeathed upon our friends (some of these people don't even know they had nicknames. we just thought it was fun)

FORGOT: to shave my legs. #maxiskirtssavetheday

ADMIRE: people who regularly eat actual, real-live, well-balanced meals. ain't nobody got time for that. (okay, I actually do have time for that currently, but....ain't nobody got energy/money for that? does that count?)

DESIRE: a rockin' wardrobe. I even found myself thinking "I could really use a pair of wedge heels." fashion related thoughts don't often cross my mind, as evidenced by my boring-at-best, slovenly-at-worst appearance. (i was once told that i "like to be comfortable." read: i look like a mess all the time.)  this sudden change is probably a result of this weekend's little What Not to Wear marathon (#noshame) and is most likely temporary.

ADMIT: that there is in fact such a thing as too much "alone time." And that it's not always a good thing. Sometimes it turns you into a (more) awkward, (more) antisocial hermit.

COMMIT: to be more social and stop hiding in my room so much. (see above)

*yes, I know that doesn't actually, technically, real live qualify as classical music. i just really wanted to throw that reference out there

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