I began this blog in September 2010, which feels like a lifetime ago. In September 2010, I had just begun my senior year in high school and was on my way to entering adulthood. In September 2010, I had already solidified a deeply rooted hatred for Calculus (which is going strong today, in case you were wondering), I was struggling hard core with self-image, and I spent a lot of time reminiscing (some things never change).
But I obviously had a life before September 2010, even if this blog doesn't share it. So, to appease my constant need to reminisce, I consulted Facebook and old journals to decide what I would have blogged about if I'd started my blog just one month earlier.
If I'd blogged in August 2010, I would have written about Disney movie nights with Abby, Maddie, and Emma. I would have shared my future family as told by Maddie
and Maddie's future family as told by me
I would have explained Emma's lovely interpretation of a horse sitting down and Abby's confusion about how a person would eat if he couldn't bend his elbows.
If I had blogged in August 2010, I would have talked about how ten days in Germany just wasn't enough and how much I wanted to go back.
If I had blogged in August 2010, I would have shared my senior schedule and my goals for my senior year and how I couldn't believe that high school was almost over.
Most importantly, if I had blogged in August 2010, I would have written about my oldest brother's wedding. I would have written about the beautiful summer home a family friend let us stay in and the joy of seeing family and old friends and how much I wished Preston could have been there to share such a happy moment with the rest of the family and my joy at finally finally finally getting a sister of my own. Oh, and that small detail that my brother married the love of his life. I guess that was pretty important too.
ps. can we take a minute to appreciate how tiny and baby-faced the boys were and how long my hair was? kthanksbye.
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