Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"He will open the way."

In the past 48 hours, I have received five motivational notes from friends, several caring, thoughtful texts, countless hugs, a pack of Skittles, and a hysterical customized laughing baby video. Several friends have lent a listening ear to me and have waited patiently while I blubbered on about the things bothering me and then proceeded to give me wise counsel that I never would have thought of myself.  I don't say this to brag or call attention to myself, but to try and express how grateful I am for all the people in my life.

 It's moments like these that make me wonder how in the world I ever forget how blessed I am. I wonder how I can ever think to feel alone or forgotten. Things have happened to me this week--I've run into people I never see who offered comfort, I've been the recipient of all the aforementioned acts of kindness, I've stumbled upon motivational, comforting scriptures--that I know weren't fate or coincidence. They didn't just happen. They were planned by a Heavenly Father who knows what I need and how to give me those things. He knew when I needed to find answers through the Holy Ghost, when I needed to find them through the scriptures, and when I needed to find them through somebody else. He knew. He knew when I could work through it alone and when he needed to put somebody in my path, literally or figuratively. He knew.

I've slowly been coming to a more perfect knowledge of all these things over the last week or so. Just a few minutes ago, for the second time in less than 24 hours, a note was sipped under my door. The words this note contained were the sealing factor on my testimony of God's love for me. It contained a scripture about adversity and a testimony of Christ's ability to take away our sorrows and burdens. It was signed "A friend who cares." I can't ask this friend if he/she minds if I share a portion of his/her testimony, but I will do so without permission only because these words were so powerful and comforting to me:

"If you focus on Christ and His teachings, I testify that you will find happiness, no matter what else is happening in this world around us. Nothing else is as important. Everything pales in comparison to the love of the Savior, who loves you with a perfect love that will never end or be diminished."

It's true. It's so, so true. No matter what you or I are struggling through, it is never too much because the Savior will be right there with you every step of the way.

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