Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I blinked and October was gone. I'm still slightly in shock that I have to write 11 in the date instead of 10 and that the month begins with an N and not an O. The fact that the month has changed is both a good thing and a bad thing. I am now going to pull a Halpert and explain why this is using your classic Pro/Con list.

  • October - a not so popular transition month - is officially over.
  • Holiday season is about to officially begin
  • Thanksgiving means lots of friends, family and food (what could be better?)
  • The weather is officially cold (: 
  • I start working this month
  • Early admission applications are due in less than a month
  • I don't own a jacket that can fit in my locker at school, which leads to sometimes violent shivering in the car before my heat kicks in
  • The holidays are so close, yet so far
  • I have to start thinking about scholarships as an actual necessity and not a mythical, far off mirage
  • I start working this month
Unfortunately, my Pro/Con chart resolves nothing. It just states the facts. I suppose that I will just have to focus on the positive and force myself to do the things that I don't want to do. Really, all the things I'm currently dreading will help me in the end. If I put in my applications, I can get accepted to college, If I start working, I make money for college etc. So, positive thinking all the way. That's the plan at least.

Random side note. My friend's dad just got back from China where he purchased Toy Story 3. We watched it today with the English subtitles on even though the movie was in English. However, the subtitles had been translated into Chinese and then back into English. Basically, they were hilarious! This is not that random of a though, because every time a character said "Wait!" the subtitle read "Etc." (which I used the the above paragraph) This truly enhanced our movie watching experience, mostly because everybody watching had seen it at least twice. Not only were things completely mistranslated (and often grammatically incorrect) but the names of many of the characters were completely changed.
  •  Buzz = Bart, Bass or Bath
  • Woody = Hu Di or Wu Di
  • Potato Head = Warhead
  • Slinky = Spring Dog
  • Bulls-Eye = Heart
  • Molly = Jasmine
As annoying as it sounds, it was actually really funny and made the already awesome movie even better!

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