Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Prodigal Blogger Returns

First off, I'm not even sure I qualify as a blogger...I've really only posted six times and I'm pretty sure that if anybody is reading this, those lucky few share my DNA. Regardless, I'm here again, and I'm ready to blog.

Very little has changed since my last post, except that I sleep a lot less, stress a lot more and smell like fajitas basically 24/7. The latter is due to my job as a hostess at Chili's...the fajitas are pungent, let me tell you. Now, it's not a bad smell, but when it clings to every article of clothing I own it gets to be a bit much. You know how people who have limbs amputated sometimes feel phantom pain in the limb that they no longer have? Well, I have phantom fajita smell...I'll just be going about my day in a non-Chili's manner when all of a sudden I have this sudden, urgent paranoia that I smell like fajitas. It's becoming quite a problem.

The college preparations are in full swing, I suppose. I have a list of things that I need for college (among them tupperware, boots, and silverware) that is colloquially referred to as The List. It is an ever growing list that I think about a lot more than is normal. As for the actual college I'm going to...that's still up in the air. I've been accepted to BYU-Idaho and should be hearing from BYU within a few weeks.

Thus ends the obligatory catch up post...hopefully whatever comes next is slightly more interesting.

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