Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Today is one of my favorite days. Anybody in Provo right now probably thinks I'm crazy for saying that because it's been dark and dreary and depressing all day long. Regardless of the damp weather and the fact that my morning was significantly less than ideal, today is still one of my favorite days.

Today is new journal day.

In the past, I've explained my borderline unhealthy obsession with journaling. I've discussed my deeply rooted desire to remember. I absolutely love keeping a journal and there is nothing about journaling that I love more than finishing up one volume of my life and moving on to a new one.

I classify my life by my journals. The journal I finished last night was a journal of growth and change and discovery renewal. It was the journal that helped me to begin to really figure out who I am. The three before that were journals of firsts and new experiences. Those journals found me learning about the world and the people in it.

Today I get to start a new journal. I get to start recording a new chapter of my life. I don't know what it will have in it yet. Right now the pages are blank and inviting, waiting for me to fill them with my thoughts. Deep thoughts. Silly thoughts. Vain thoughts. Funny thoughts. Boring thoughts. The cover of my new journal is pristine; there are no rips or tears or stains. The corners aren't bent or folded. It's perfect. But it will only be perfect until I begin to write in it. The moment my pen hits the paper, it will be flawed.

And that's the way it should be. My life isn't perfect. It isn't pristine or without stains or bends or rips. So the physical representation of my life and who I am should match that.

And it will. That I can guarantee.

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