Monday, January 14, 2013

Some Monday Thoughts

1. Is it okay to judge somebody if that somebody is portraying himself as exactly what you are judging him to be? The simple answer is no. No, it is never okay to judge a person. No, that person is a child of God, too. No, not a single person is benefited by being judgmental. But sometimes, you look at a photograph of a person and say, "Wow, he looks like a punk." And then the person showing you the picture who knows the punk-looking person said, "That's exactly what he is."

2. I sometimes have this battle with myself when I write something that is not descriptively proper grammar. My knee jerk instinct is to fix it so that it's "correct." But then I remember that most people don't speak/write like that and, if I do, I may come across as a pretentious, uppity, self-absorbed jerk with superiority complex so terrible that prescription medication is in order. Don't know/don't care what I am talking about? No worries, most of the population is with you. I'm the weird one here.

3. For somebody who wants to be an editor, I certainly have terrible spelling. I wasn't worrying about this too much (thanks, spell check!), but then my editing teacher gave us a lecture on how editors need to be good spellers because employers often have spelling portions on the tests they administer along with an interview. Well, shucks. And, for those skeptics who don't believe that my spelling is quite shoddy, here is a list of words I have spelled incorrectly up until this point:
                                          editor (x2)--highly embarrassing, I'm aware

4. This morning, I laid in bed for about a half an hour because I was too cold to get up. That's because it was zero degrees in good ol' Provo. Currently, students and professors alike are congregating by the hundreds in courtyards and on the grass to have picnics and play frisbee, as it has warmed up to a toasty seven degrees and they are all desperate to soak up the warm, sunny rays before Mr. Sun decides to go into hibernation for another week. Hah. What a joke. We're still all wearing leggings under our pants and two pairs of socks.

5.  I am writing this one because I really have nothing else to say, but it feels weird to have a list of four things. Why is that? Even numbers are so much easier, but nooooo. A list of four isn't good enough. Gotta add one more so that number 3 can feel like a proper middle child with two things flanking it on each side. Now the real thought I just had (but I c'an't make it number 6, because that would also be odd): I think my brain works differently than everybody else's. And I think most people I know would agree with that wholeheartedly. And one more thought in this potpourri  (yes, I had to look up the spelling, and then get corrected because my Google search led me astray. Thanks for asking.) of thoughts that is number 5: I always think that wholeheartedly is hyphenated. And then I get surprised every time that I realize it's not. And then I feel dumb because I remember that I always think that and always have to change it. That's all.

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