During one such episode ("they weren't attacks; they were episodes!"), I sought the advice and comfort of a good friend of mine. After nearly an hour of listening very patiently to me dumping all of my problems, concerns, and woes on him and giving bits of advice , he looked at me and said this:
Stop thinking about it.
Let's go do something fun to distract you.
Simple, right? It worked like a charm. As soon my thoughts were occupied with something else completely unrelated to my problem, I calmed down considerably. Did my problem go away? Absolutely not. It was still right there when my friend and I parted ways later that night, but focusing on something else helped me to view the problem (slightly) more rationally. And even though I had many more crying spells and freaked out about that same trial of mine many a time, that hour I spent playing card games was exactly what I needed.
To this day, when I feel myself teetering on the edge of intense over-analysis, I remind myself to STOP and give my poor mind and heart and tear ducts a break by doing something that will bring me joy. It's not a magic Balm of Gilead that makes my problems go away, but it gives me time to relax, take a step back, and face the problem with more rationality and less dramatic hysteria.
And in my experience, that is ALWAYS a good thing.
And in my experience, that is ALWAYS a good thing.
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