Monday, March 5, 2012

here comes the sun.

I know that I'm in danger of having a blog overload and that I should be doing homework or cleaning or something, but I would be so upset with myself if I didn't write about today.

And this is why:

Today was the kind of day that can’t be described in any other way than delicious. The world felt so alive, so free, so perfect. It was full of the kind of beauty that can’t be captured in a photograph or in the most descriptive of words, but can only be experienced through the warm sun on your face and the breeze blowing through your hair. It had the kind of beauty that made the incessant beeping of construction vehicles sound like a melody that was perfectly complimented by the rumbling of car engines and tires spinning against pavement. It made the prickly, dead grass feel lush and soft and alive. It made me want to dance in the middle of the street and not care who was watching. 

All I wanted to do was lie in the grass and breathe and dream of exotic places and adventures yet to come. I wanted to close my eyes and just listen—really listen—to the world around me. To feel the heartbeat of the earth, solid and steady.  To do nothing but live. To exist. To be.

It's going to be a great week, everybody. I have decided this. I refuse to let anything ruin the flushed faced, childlike giddiness that I've felt all day. 

The world is a beautiful place, everybody! Remember that and smile! 

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