Let me tell you about my Modern American Usage professor. He is blunt. He is persnickety. He is not terribly friendly. He has a tendency to lapse into a my-way-or-the-highway mentality. So, you can imagine why the idea of meeting with him one-on-one to discuss the topic for my paper and presentation (which just so happen to be a major portion of my grade) was slightly disconcerting.
I woke up nervous today. I almost never get nervous. But, my eleven o'clock appointment of (what I considered) certain doom was enough to put me into a tizzy. At some point during the trek to the JFSB, I lost all confidence in the research I'd carefully compiled. I convinced myself that he was going to be rude and unapproachable and that he was going to tear my proposed topic to shreds.
This experience is just one of four billion examples of the times when I put way too much thought into things. I stress myself out about things that aren't a big deal. I read into every little detail and convince myself that the worst possible outcome is the only possible outcome. It's a problem. I worry and worry and stress out and then-- what do ya know?-- it all turns out just fine.
Today, for example, my crochety old ELang professor had nothing but positive things to say about my topic and the research I'd done. He even uttered the phrase "This is going to be a really good paper." That was a sigh of relief, let me tell you.
Moral of the story: Don't worry so much! 99% of the time, it's not going to turn out to be as terrible as you think it's going to be. I'm not saying to be completely carefree and c'est la vie (no, you're not seeing things...I did just use a French phrase) all the time. Rather, find a happy balance between an existence laden with unnecessary worry and one free of all responsibility. I feel as though I am becoming a bit preachy, and I'm sorry about that, but this is a reminder intended more for myself than anybody else. But, it's true for everybody: life is beautiful. Don't forget that!
Just in case my testimony isn't enough....
Why are we the same person?