Friday, March 9, 2012

day by day

Guys. I love life. I really, really do. 

And no before you ask, I didn't get asked out on a date by a really cute guy or get a great test grade or win anything or spontaneously get a windfall or anything like that. It's just that lately I have experienced so many little victories and tiny moments of sunshine that, when laid out one next to the other, have made me realize how blessed and happy I truly am. And I think that's how happiness is supposed to work in the long run. We all have those moments of incandescent happiness, but they come and go. Those little moments, on the other hand--things like sitting in the warm sun or eating an ice cream cone or having a really good chat with a friend--happen much more frequently. They are the bread and butter of our happiness diet, whereas those big moments are more like a steak--really nice every now and then, but you wouldn't appreciate it as much if you had one every day. 

After having such a great day on Monday, I made the decision that I was going to have a good week. I decided. Not everybody has to make conscious decisions like that, but sometimes I do. And it was so worth it. Was my week perfect? Absolutely not. Were there moments when I wished that life's "gifts" came with gift receipts so that I could exchange it for something better? You betcha (name the movie I am thinking of right now and I'll buy you an ice cream cone).  But I finallyfinallyfinally realized that it's ok to have moments like that and that they don't need to incapacitate you and turn you into a crying, hormonal mess curled up in the fetal position in the corner, downing Oreos and potato chips like it's nobody's business  (I've never gotten that bad, just for the record. That description was for effect). They can be overcome and you can learn from them. I promise. 

I have no way of knowing what you're thinking right now. You could think that I was just a whole lot of preachy. Or that you can't believe it took me this long to figure that out. Or that you haven't figured it out for yourself. But whatever you're thinking right now, add this to your thoughts: Life is beautiful; There is so much to be happy about. Look for those things--actively seek them out--and I know you'll find them. Because I have, and now, I feel like this:

And it's a good feeling. 

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