Monday, March 19, 2012

Better late than never.

So I was tagged by the oh-s0-lovely Shaundra and it came at a perfect time, because I've been feeling the need to post something, but didn't have anything at all to say (surprising, I know). 

(I was also tagged by Cassie, but I'd already started this one. Sorry!)

Rules :
1) Post the rules.
2) Post a photo and 11 random things about you.
3) Answer questions.
4) Ask questions.
5) Tag.

Feeling reminiscent today..maybe because I'm stoked for the lovely lady on the left to join me
at BYU next fall and because I FINALLY got to talk to the lovely lady on the right yesterday!

Random Things:
  1. I love writing letters and receiving mail. 
  2. I detest the movie E.T. I saw it once and will never see it again. 
  3. I have this weird issue with writing 'p' and 'b' in the same word. I mix them up sometimes and it's quite frustrating. Because of this, I hate writing the word 'republic.' 
  4. I can recite the Preamble to the Constitution. 
  5. Prior to taking my driver's test, I experienced more anxiety over what color I'd say my eyes are than whether or not I'd actually pass. 
  6. I keep a journal of inspirational quotes/sayings/songs/scriptures. 
  7. I will always be disappointed that Samuel L. Jackson didn't play Kingsley Shacklebolt in the Harry Potter Movies. Always.  
  8. The idea idea of swimming with dolphins/whales/any marine animal HORRIFIES me. 
  9. Aside from waking up, getting ready for bed is my least favorite part of the day.  
  10. The first movie I ever cried in was Black Beauty
  11. Bucket List Item: Go on a picnic date. 


What was your earliest memory? How old were you?
Oddly enough, I actually just posted this post about some of my earliest memories. I'd say that the one about waffles came first and I was probably about three years old. 

What is your dream vacation? 
Oh boy. Don't even get me started on this one. I want to tour Europe and see everything. But I will leave it at that, or else I will gush about my dreams of Europe for pages on end.

What is your favorite book? Why?
This is a very difficult question for me, because I love to read. A lot. I would have to say To Kill a Mockingbird because Atticus Finch is such a strong, noble character. Or Pride and Prejudice because I'm in love with Mr. Darcy. Or the first half of the Anne of Green Gables series because I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe. Like I said...tricky question! (:

If you could bring one thing with you for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I am going to count my journals as "one thing" because I like to think of them as different volumes of my life. I like to reread them and see how far I've come and what I still need to work on. I like to remind myself of the good times and the bad times and the times in-between so that I can always be learning and growing. Plus, frankly, writing in my journal is what keeps me (mostly) sane. 

If it was one season year round, what would you want it to be? Why?
Fall. Most definitely. Fall just feels so fresh and clean and something about the way the air smells makes me want to write and live and love.

How did you get your  name? 
Well, I think that it was just one of those "Hey, we like that name" kind of things! But, my parents were almost afraid to name me Madeline, because the only Madelines they'd met at the time were grandmas and they didn't want me to have a grandma name. But, I think they chose well. It fits me and I love it!

What would you say is the theme song of your life?
This is a question I've often contemplated and I honestly have no idea. I reallyreallyreally want a theme song, though, so if anybody has any suggestions, please let me know! 

What relaxes you when you are stressed?
There are several things that relax me when stressed. The number one thing is usually to talk about what's bothering me and/or write it out. I sometimes feel like I can't make sense of what I'm thinking or feeling until I've done one or both. If that's still not enough, I usually cook or bake, take a nap, listen to some really melancholy music, or read a book. 

Who is one of your heroes?
I have so many. My parents. My siblings. My friends.. The prophet. But, since I feel that I should expound upon on, I'm going to go with my Book of Mormon hero: Sam.  He was always in Nephi's shadow, but he was strong and obedient and never strayed. I love Sam because I think that most of us can relate to him a little bit more than we can to Nephi. I mean, how many of us are going to be the prophet or some influential leader? Most of us are going to have to take more of a supporting role and Sam shows us how to do that and still be righteous. 

What is a characteristic that you want to develop?
Patience, among others. I am a very, very impatient person. Two of my least favorite words are "someday" and "eventually." I hate waiting for someday and always seem to wish that eventually could be right now. But, that's not the way life works, so I read Elder Uchtdorf's talk about patience often. 

If you could accomplish one great thing your entire life, what would it be? 
I want to publish a book that means something. One that makes people reevaluate the world and think about who they are in relation to it. I want to write something that lasts, that inspires people, and that gives the world hope. To me, that is a great thing. 

My Questions
  1. If you could meet one person who's passed on from this life, who would it be and why?
  2. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
  3. What is something you couldn't live without?
  4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  5. What is your dream house like?
  6. What is one thing that is sure to turn a bad day around? 
  7. What was your favorite tv show as a child?
  8. What is one of your guilty pleasures (a food, movie, song etc.)
  9. Do you keep a journal? Why or why not?
  10. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? (If you don't have one...GET ONE!)
You're it! 


  1. you posed a wonderful question for question 10. i approve. also, the favorite book question is my least favorite also. but thanks for playing :)

  2. (: The problem isn't that it was a bad's just that there are SO MANY good books!
