Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the definition of accomplishment.

I just ate a Warhead (the candy, not the missile). The whole thing. I just popped it in my mouth and ate it. Never even spit it out because I couldn't handle it and my mouth felt like it was being slowly eaten away from the sour coating.

This is a big deal for me, folks. I remember a time when I was a kid (pre-middle school because we still lived on Cayton) and our drawer of F.L.O (For Lunches Only) treats always seemed to have a few stray Warheads stashed at the bottom. My older brothers were tough guys and would sometimes eat two or three at a time even though the packaging clearly warns you that "eating multiple pieces within a short time period may cause a temporary irritation to sensitive tongues and mouths." I, however, wasn't nearly as macho as they were (which is logical seeing as I was an elementary school aged girl) and couldn't even eat one. I had to run cold water over the candy to wash off some of the sour coating before I could eat it. And my brothers mocked me.

No more mocking, brothers. I have eaten a Warhead.

And no, in case you were wondering, I have not finished the essay I'm supposed to be writing.

1 comment:

  1. I totally did the same thing with my warheads and washed them under cold water. I am very proud of your accomplishment. I can't do that to this day.
