Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Six

Compared to the last few days, today was pretty low key. We got a later start and headed off to Schoodic Point and Quoddy Head. Despite the chilly weather and persistant fog, both places were enjoyable. I can now brag that I've stood in the eastern most spot of the continental United States. I did not go to the easternmost gift shop, however. Yes, it exists. And yes, it's called "The Easternmost Gift Shop." I think some people need to be a little more creative...

After visiting Schoodic and Quoddy, we stopped at a lobster restaurant. We are in Maine, after all, and it would be ridiculous to not go to one. Luckily for me, there were a few non-seafood items on the menu. Everybody was quite pleased with their meal; the chicken I got was delicious and was perfect to take the disgusting lobster taste out of my mouth. I tried a teeny, tiny bit just to say that I had. And it was disgusting. Never going there again.

The fog prevented many good pictures, but here are the ones I managed to get:

It's unreal how long I had to wait to time this picture just right!

Up Next: Early morning whale watching (Simon won't stop gushing about how excited he is!) and a day at the lake with some old friends!

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