Wednesday, March 4, 2015

my life as described by Disney & Pixar characters

Because sometimes Disney/Pixar can just say it better...

When every tiny detail of every part of my life isn't planned in meticulous detail:

When I have to wear "real clothes" for too long:
Image result for grumpy snow white quotes

When I need to make somebody understand the extreme level of my irritation/disappointment:

When all my friends leave me to get married/go on missions:


When my feelings get hurt:

When I meet somebody who will talk Harry Potter with me:

Eating in front of people:

When I enter a library or bookstore:

When I'm wearing a skirt or dress:



  1. I can almost hear you saying "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow . . ." in the HumPub lab right now . . .

  2. I just can't handle the truth that this post really embodies. So true so true. Also pretty sure I've heard you say a couple of these in real life sooooo
