Tuesday, December 2, 2014

i don't know about you


(I'd apologize for that, but I think that as a girl in the 21st century turning 22, it's essentially my duty to make as many T-Swift references as possible today)

I think I'm going to like being 22. Because if the rest of the year is half as good as today was, I'm in for a rockin' year.

Even though it was a busy day and there wasn't much time to do anything terribly special, I got SO spoiled  and was really feelin' the love.

And really, my birthday celebration began yesterday with a late night ice cream run courtesy of my angel roommate Jessica.

This morning I woke up to chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of my initials courtesy of Jess. She also made me a Mickey Mouse pancake. #winning

And when a day starts with chocolate chip pancakes, it has to be good. So clad in a new cardigan and new boots (thanks, Mom!), I left the apartment to conquer the day. (Also, don't worry...I was wearing a shirt and pants, too.) 

I got to spend a significant period of time in my one class looking for the perfect picture of a panda (alliteration for the win). Yes, I am completely serious. And yes, it was what I was supposed to be doing. The bell tower played "Bring a Torche, Jenette, Isabella" while I walked to work, which was convenient because I have a weird Christmas crush on that song currently and because, well,  Christmas. BYUB is officially decked out for Christmas, which is one of my favorite things, and I pretended that they finished the decorations today in honor of me. (They didn't.)

My coworker Adam drew Gordon the Scottish Accordion Player on the calendar for me. Long story, but I was thrilled. 

My awesome coworkers treated me to Pita Pit for lunch (#pitapittuesday), and my boss brought cookies that were the bomb.com. I went straight from work to Schwa prep time and there was no time for me to grab anything to eat. But luckily Jess is perfect and spent her hour break from work bringing pizza to me on campus and having dinner with me. Seriously, I hit the roommate jackpot with that one.

It really was a perfect birthday. Perfect for a birthday during school, that is. I felt so much love from my family and friends. Though I received some amazingly thoughtful gifts that I love, what I cherish the most is the service and care that I've been shown today.It means the world to me.

I think that I like birthdays so much because they represent change, growth, and forward movement. I realize that I'm really no different today than I was yesterday and that age is just a number, but it's an opportunity to close a chapter of life and start a new one. And though I believe you can do that at any point, birthdays are the perfect opportunity to do so.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. And it feels pretty darn good.

This is my awkward, grainy through-the-balloon-veil birthday selfie.

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