Saturday, May 4, 2013

me, currently

Here's the thing: I've been absent from the blogging world for the last few weeks. It wasn't a conscious choice; I just wasn't feeling it. To be honest, I'm not really feeling it right now, but I'm not feeling not writing even more. If that makes any sense.

The last few weeks have been fairly ordinary, but pretty amazing at the same time. So here's a quick rundown:

I've been drinking ernj (that's orange to those of you who don't live in my apartment) juice and eating Hot Tamales like it's nobody's business. Not together, though, because that's gross.

I'm currently a little obsessed with arctic foxes--they're SO CUTE--and a teenage opera group called Il Volo. Seriously, if Josh Groban and One Direction had three Italian babies, it'd be these guys. Because I know you're wondering how I got into modern teenage opera, (especially considering the fact that I'm not a teenager, I don't speak Italian, and I don't like opera) let me explain. As part of my new job (which is AWESOME), I edit the program guide for the local PBS station. While editing the guide for June, I had to do some fact checking on an article about Il Volo. My Googling led to a YouTube video, which I listened to out of curiosity. And it all went downhill (or uphill, depending on how you look at it) from there. Now it's my go to when I need to focus. Something about Italian opera helps me get in the zone. Who knew, right?

Other goings-on:

Made the decision to stay in Provo for the summer
Had an easy, breezy, beautiful finals week. Don't know how that happened, but I'm not complaining
Said goodbye to Hannah and Liz. Sad days.
Became roomies with Emily again. SO FUN.
Laughed at a whole slew of new roommate jokes including several variations on the fake idiom "You've got your beans in one place."
Spent lots of time thinking on swings. It's magical, I tell you.
Listened to the musical stylings of Em. ("I'm like a bird....I'm not really")
Converted a friend to Tangled. A high accomplishment, if you ask me.
Enjoyed Hailey's spontaneous British accent and terminology
Gotten to know some new people. Turns out it's kind of fun.
Decided to go by Madeline in both of my classes for spring just for funsies. And to see if I can actually remember to introduce myself as Madeline. You'd think I'd have an easier time remembering my name...
Got two letters in one week. Mail is so much fun, guys. Letter writing is a dying art, if you ask me. But that's another rant for another time.
Biology. Not my cup of tea. I'm currently writing this to avoid doing Bio homework.

Aaaaand. I think that's it. Sorry this is horrifyingly boring. Now that I think about it, I have actually been cheating on this blog just a little bit, as I've been writing blog posts for BYUtv lately. Oops. But, they may be popping up online in the next few weeks, so if you want some extra doses of Maddie blogging (not sure why you would, but to each his own), head on over to

So here's to hoping that life stays this good. And that sometime in the near future I actually have something somewhat interesting to say. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. We'll see.

I'm just going with the flow these days. So what happens, happens. I'll keep you updated

Oh, and for your viewing/listening pleasure, here's some arctic foxes and Il Volo songs.


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