This is the story of why I hate the internet (and technology in generally. And the HBLL) with a burning passion:
Until approximately 3 minutes ago, my computer refused to let me connect to the internet at my apartment. With this knowledge in mind (and the knowledge that I needed to upload a paper to Learning Suite) I stopped by the HBLL after class to mooch off of their internet connection. BAD CHOICE. For literally a half an hour, I was connecting. I watched that stupid little blue circle swirl around and around without ever having the satisfaction of logging onto the network. When my 30 minute initiation period was up, BYU decided to let me connect.
Hallelujah? False. Not hallelujah.
I scurried onto Google Chrome, wanting to get this over with and logged into Learning Suite. That's when I got the "fatal error" message that informed me that Learning Suite was a no-can-do. I half sighed and half growled at my computer, earning me a strange look from my neighbor who was clearly having a jolly good time with his internet experience. Sorry, buddy, if my frustrations distracted you from your homework for a fraction of a second. I'm really, really sorry.
I refreshed and refreshed and refreshed the page, hoping that it would start working. That would be a no. I left the internet up and turned to my German homework (old school pencil and paper style--no error messages there!) in hopes that by the time I was finished, Learning Suite would have gotten over its little hissy fit. I guess I will never know, because then the internet just stopped working. I was still connected and everything looked like it was working perfectly normally. Well, except for the fact that every page had an error message and I couldn't access a single website. Nuance, really.
By this point, I was sick of wireless and its many issues. I wanted something firmly rooted to a cable that would offer me a stable connection. So I saved my paper to my flash drive (kind of wish I'd remembered that I had my flash drive with me at the beginning of this whole debacle) and began a search for an empty computer. After searching two floors, the only empty computers I found were ones labeled "Out of Order" and "This computer don't work, bro."
Then my luck began to change. A kind soul who took pity on me because of my harried and generally frustrated appearance (or more likely had to get to class) logged off and vacated his computer. Hallelujah. For real this time. I was then able to upload my paper with only one small snafu and be on my way, taking a quick pit stop to buy myself some dark chocolate mint M&Ms--89 cents well spent, if you ask me
Major first world problems? Absolutely.
Did I still feel an undeniable compulsion to write a whiny blog post about it? Absolutely.
Is that going to change about me anytime in the near future? Absolutely not.
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