Wednesday, May 15, 2013

words people should use more

So here's some background:

The other day, I was reading my history textbook like a good little student (which I'm totally not being right now, but that's not the point, now is it?) and came across the word schism. After reading this, I commented to Hailey's boyfriend, who was also being a good little student, that I thought more people should use the word schism because it's just a really cool word. Call me a word nerd if you want--I will take zero offense. So I decided that I wanted to make a list of words I think people should use more. So I did. And now I want to share some of that list with you. So, I've decided that whenever the fancy strikes, I will share a word people should use more (wpsum) complete with some dandy examples of what I deem appropriate uses.

wpsum #1--gander

To show you how much fun the word gander can be (and also to prove that my brothers are cooler than yours) I need to share this lovely conversation I had with my 15-year-old brother:

Isn't that enough to convince you to use the word gander more? Because I think it should. You cannot be unhappy when you use the word gander. Similar to the way that you can't say bubbles in an angry voice. I used to think that was a myth, but then last Sunday I tried and it really is quite impossible. Anyway, back to gandering.

It's just fun, guys. It's quirky and different and entertaining. Yes, I think that words can be quirky. So sue me. But seriously, try it out. Next time you are tempted to say "Yeah, I can take a look at that for you" RESIST THE URGE. Instead, say "Yeah, I can take a quick gander at that for you." It will make your day. And the day of the person you are talking to.

Other appropriate uses of gander:

When somebody is checking out your friend/roommate/sister/third cousin's boyfriend's sister's next door neighbor:

"Girl, [or man, if you're talking to a boy. wouldn't want to discriminate] did you see that? That hottie over there just totally gandered you!"

When you're wasting away your life on the internet:

"Hey, what are you doing?" -- "Oh, I'm just gandering at some web pages."

When your friend suddenly realizes that a mutual acquaintance is exceptionally attractive:

"Been there, gandered that."

When you feel that you can improve upon the timeless masterpieces that are Alan Menken lyrics:

"I want to gander at, I wanna gander at them dancin'"
"All those days gandering from the windows"
"A hundred thousand things to gander at"

When you realize that you have a biology test tomorrow that you're woefully unprepared for and really, really need to study for (definitely NOT a true story, for the record):

"Wow, I should probably stop blogging and take a gander at that study guide."

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