Wednesday, July 3, 2013

at least i wrote something

I just had a little talking to with myself. I said, "Self, you are going to sit down and you are going to write something and you are going to post it because it has been far too long since you've done that. The only things you've written in the last month are so are descriptions of BYUtv shows and that needs to stop. Now."

So here I am. I don't like to force myself to write; I'm more of one of those touchy-feely types who is all "I write something when I feel it and when my gears are really turning and blahblahblah." Maybe it's a strength, maybe it's a character flaw. Who knows. The point is that sometimes you reach walls. And in my experience, no mater what your approach to life is (or in this case, my approach to writing) the wall isn't going to move. You can't sit in front of the big, bad wall pouting because it's in your way and it won't just disintegrate into nothing and be out of your way even though that would be oh so convenient. The wall is going to stay there and you are going to have to find a way to climb that wall and get over it.

So I need to climb that wall. And if that means I have to post this lame jumble of words just to get myself back in the habit of writing, so be it.

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