Sunday, January 1, 2012

For the world to see.

For some reason, I dislike the term "New Year's Resolution." I don't really know why. I prefer Goals. It seems a lot safer and nicer to say that you're setting a goal versus resolving to do something. Resolving sounds big and mountainous and scary. So, I'm not going to make any New Year's Resolutions. I am going to make some Goals.  In the past, I have written my goals for the new year in my personal journal, but for sake of accountability, I'm going to share them with the world wide web as well.

Maddie's Goals for 2012

1. Be Healthier
Yes, this is exceptionally general. Yes, I make this goal (and fail) pretty much every year. But, I'm a work in progress, ok? Being healthier this year means less junk food and late night snacking. It means that I actually have to use the exercise clothes I asked for and received for my birthday. And, as much as it kills me to say this, it means no baking unless there is a specific reason (birthday, contribution to dinner, celebration of some sort etc.) or unless it is an absolutely dire emotional emergency that can be fixed in no way other than by baking. Yes, I have those. You may judge me if you wish to. The actual act of baking calms me. But, unless I have tried everything else to calm myself, baking will not be utilized as a form of medication.

2. Study the Scriptures EVERY Day
Notice I said 'study' and not 'read.' I am very good about reading. I'm not so good about studying and I would really like to change that. As part of this, I have decided to read the Book of Mormon in German starting from the beginning in addition to my reading for Book of Mormon class. This will be completely experimental. I'll keep you updated on how that turns out for me.

3. Set Aside at Least One Hour per Week to Read
This seems silly on the surface. I read all the time--textbooks, emails, scriptures, you name it. But I don't get to read things that I want to read. And while this is partially a selfish goal, at least it has education and intellectual benefits. And it will make me appreciate reading even more.

4. Make More of an Effort to Meet New People
I like to meet new people. I really do. I just prefer them to come to me; taking initiative in such situations has never been my forte. But, to put it frankly, I just need to get over that. So, I'm going to try.

5. Declare My Major
I will admit that this is one of those goals that I make just so that I can cross something off the list. I KNOW that I'll do this. But, you know what? I just really like crossing things off the list. It makes me feel productive.

6. Go to Bed Before Midnight AT LEAST Once a Week. 
I'd say every night, but I think that's pretty unrealistic for me. So I'll start small and (hopefully) work my way up. This will entail a lot of time management and recognition of what is a priority and what isn't. I'm not so good at that...

So that's what I'm going to start with. The great thing about making Goals instead of New Year's Resolutions is that I can add new ones whenever I think of them, regardless of what month it is. Now the easy part is over and I actually have to get to work...

1 comment:

  1. Does it seem lazy to say "ditto" to every single one of your goals? But seriously, every single one. And I love that last one, you know yourself- so start small. It's genius.
