Sunday, June 22, 2014

call me dramatic...

...but one of my most cherished life dreams has been crushed.

I had a nice, Sunday-appropriate, maybe-insightful-but-probably-not post all in the works, but even though it just needs an edit or two and a quick flourish to close it all up, it just doesn't feel right to post it right now.

Here's why.

This is one of my hands-down favorite movies:

Also, I don't understand why Robert Duvall gets to be on the movie poster.
There are about 693 characters who are more important. 

I know every word to every song (except the stupid ones sung by Medda, because who even likes her anyway), and I'm quite the champ at Jack Kelly grunt dancing before jumping onto a random horse during musical interludes (I've never tried the horse part, but I'm still confident in my abilities). I can fake a Brooklyn accent that's nearly as bad as Christian Bale's, and have the highest possible respect for Spot Conlon's slingshot and reasoning abilities. Plus my BFF introduced me to this movie on a fateful snow day a few years back, so that just adds to the wonderful memories.

So, you'd imagine how excited I was when they announced this:

In all seriousness, there may have been some near hyperventilation and teary eyes involved, because that's just what happens when I get really excited about something. I remember lounging on Maddie's basement floor watching a sneak peak of one of the musical numbers during the Macy's parade and feeling my heart swell and expand to make room for even more Newsies love. And my heart spoke to me in that moment saying, "Mads, you need to go see Newsies. You just gotta do it." And I acknowledged that my heart was correct. 

But realizing that a quick pop into New York City wasn't in the cards for me at this point in my life, I waited patiently for Newsies to get the attention it deserved so that it would go on tour. And lo and behold, tour dates were announced. But, none of the locations were even remotely close to Provo. Apparently somebody thinks that the western half of the United States doesn't need Newsies. Well, I think I can speak for many when I say that somebody is very, very misinformed. 

Still, I found hope in the fact that they promised more tour dates to be announced. And if that didn't work out, maybe in a few years I would have the time and the cha-ching to go to NYC and see Newsies on Broadway. 

But there are dreams that cannot be.  It was announced that Newsies' run on Broadway will come to an end this August before the cast embarks on a national tour. That still doesn't come anywhere close to Utah. Sure, there are THREE tour locations within four hours of my Kentucky home. IN NOVEMBER AND/OR JANUARY when I'm in P-Town at school. 

So crushed are the dreams of saving up for New York. Crushed are the dreams of Newsies coming to a city near me. Crushed is the kinda-hypothetical-but-real-in-our-hearts dream of venturing to New York with Maddie when she gets back from her mission to enjoy Newsies together. 

Guys, I'm never going to see Newsies on Broadway. And I'm fully aware that you don't really care, but my heart feels a little deflated right now, and since a frenzied email to Miss Madeline full of capital letters and too much punctuation just didn't soothe the ache quite as well as I thought it would, I thought I'd post my sorrow on the interwebs. 

And if anybody out there needed some more concrete proof of my tendency for overly dramatic reactions (doubtful), here you are. You're welcome. 

PS. Ten points to Gryffindor (or the house of your choice) if you can identify two (2) references to a non-Newsie musical, one (1) Pirates of the Caribbean reference (it's subtle, but it's there), AND one (1) gross exaggeration. 

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